Identified associations between trust dynamics and personal characteristics
Developed a taxonomy for human-agent teams and analyzed existing testbeds using the taxonomy
Developed testbeds that allow various testing on trust and team dynamics
Investigated trust dynamics under non-dyadic teams
Development of Evaluation Methodology for Quantifying Automotive UX
Academy-Industry joint research project with Hyundai NGV
Proposed evaluation methodology for quantifying automotive UX through surveys
Ergonomic Design Factors to Improve the Usability of Excavator Joysticks
Academy-Industry joint research project with Hyundai Construction Equipment
Identified important excavator joystick design factors to improve usability through lab experiments
Research project funded by National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Science
Evaluated pros and cons of utilizing HMD-based AR systems in industrial work tasks (e.g., manual assembly, order picking) in terms of supporting workers’ physical and cognitive capabilities
Contributed to establishing AR-specialized therbligs and developing a time-motion analysis tool
User Needs/Journey Analysis for Mobile UX
Academy-Industry joint research project with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
As a project manager, contributed to planning and conducting user needs/journey analysis through extensive user research (FGI, Survey)
Conducted clustering analysis to categorize mobile users and defined each segment’s characteristics
Design for the Connection Part between the Fixed and the Moving Part of the Height-adjustable Sink
Academy-Industry joint research project with UD System
Proposed novel ideas for designing the connection part between the fixed and the moving part of the height-adjustable sink
Consulted on the proper range of height in order to accommodate users with special needs
Ergonomic Design Guidelines for Stick Vacuum Cleaner
Academy-Industry joint research project with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Proposed ergonomic design guidelines for stick vacuum cleaners based on experimental data analyses and literature review
Blockchain Platform with Business Models towards Cross-Domain Interoperability
Research project funded by National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Science
Proposed a blockchain application for providing matching service between users and trainers to prevent and cure obesity
Analyzed objective and subjective knowledge levels on blockchain technology
Identified factors that affect intention to use blockchain technology using structural equation modeling
Avatar-based Human Posture Analysis and Workplace Design
Research project funded by National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Science
Proposed an avatar-based human posture analysis system
Contributed to collecting and pre-processing postural discomfort data
Atypical Attractive Dining Space
Individual space design project, 2019 SNU DESIGN WEEK
Proposed an atypical dining space for unmanned restaurants in the future
Focused on the creation of unique spatial impression using the Voronoi tessellation algorithms
Elderly-Computer Interaction: Begin with the Solution
Individual product/system design project, 2019 SNU DESIGN WEEK
Proposed an interaction design suitable for older adults
Designed an elderly-friendly food ordering machine
Analysis on Demands of Car-sharing Service
Academy-Industry joint research project with SOCAR
Proposed new service ideas to increase weekday demands of the car-sharing service
Identified important service factors that affect user’s purchase behaviors
Automation of Customer Segmentation Using User Log Data
Academy-Industry joint research project with IGAWorks
Proposed an automated customer segmentation system using user log data
Contributed to identifying important factors that affect purchase behaviors and extracting those important information from user log data
As a project manager, contributed to project planning and team management
Effective Redistribution of Public Bicycle-sharing Systems
Public data analysis project submitted to open contest held by Seoul Metropolitan Government Big Data Campus
Proposed an effective redistribution policy for public bicycle-sharing systems
Contributed to analyzing supply and demand pattern of the bicycle-sharing service
Honk? Talk!: Context-aware Assistant Interface for Driver-to-driver Communication
Group research project presented in BMW Group Korea & SNU Student Research Competition 2018
Proposed and designed a context-aware assistant interface for driver-to-driver communication which aimed at enabling richer social communication between drivers
Contributed to planning and conducting user research and eliciting user demands from qualitative data
Voice User Interface for the Elderly
Group project in “Global Product Development” course
Designed a chatbot for older adults which aimed at providing emotional support
As a project manager and main designer, contributed to planning and conducting user research, and designing the prototype
Aug 2022 - Present
Apr 2021 - Oct 2021
Apr 2021 - Nov 2021
Mar 2021 - Feb 2022
Feb 2021 - July 2021
Nov 2020 - Feb 2021
Oct 2020 - Apr 2021
Mar 2020 - Present
Mar 2020 - Feb 2021
Mar 2019 - Dec 2019
Mar 2019 - Dec 2019
July 2019 - Aug 2019
Mar 2019 - June 2019
Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
July 2018 - Sep 2018
Sep 2017 - Dec 2017
Korean: Native
English: Full Professional
Chinese: Working Professional
Tableau, ATLAS.ti
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier, InDesign, XD
Rhino, Blender, Keyshot
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint